Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace

Diversity and Inclusion in the workplace

​For some years, organisations large and small have talked about diversity and inclusion in their recruiting communications. However, recent global events have highlighted there is still more to be done to turn these promises into reality. Businesses must understand this shouldn’t be purely an HR program, but it must become part of the business strategy as, according to Josh Bersin, leading industry analyst and researcher, “Companies that embrace diversity and inclusion in all aspects of their business statistically outperform their peers.”

With offices spanning the globe, WRS provides recruitment solutions for companies and individuals from a myriad of races, cultures and backgrounds so diversity and inclusion are naturally high on our agenda. Through our core values, we promise to deliver recruitment services with honesty, transparency, equality and consistency. We are committed to providing equal opportunities and avoid discrimination in the workplace, as set out in our code of conduct. Embracing diversity and inclusion allows us to provide the best talent to our clients, focusing on skills and knowledge first and foremost.

Internally, WRS has embraced the importance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. We have conducted a company-wide training session on unconscious bias to encourage team members to think about how they might unintentionally discriminate and alienate through stereotyping. Raising awareness amongst our employees about the subtle ways we may discriminate and be discriminated against is a key priority for our learning and development programme, because it is only when people are aware of their behaviour, they can start to address it. Importantly, sections on discrimination awareness are included in nearly all our training courses, from advert writing to questioning candidates. We’ve also been trialing new systems as part of our WRS digital transformation programme which allows us to see statistics around the number of candidates we work with who are from minority groups.

To embrace diversity and inclusion we must first understand what it is and how we can implement it. When putting this piece together, we found the following article. It outlines what diversity and inclusion are and, whilst aimed at HR professionals, it outlines how businesses should also include top executives in their business strategies for diversity and inclusion. When trying to initiate change in a company, it needs to come from the top down and encompass the whole business.

Diversity And Inclusion: A Complete Guide For HR Professionals – By SOMEN MONDAL

What is diversity in the workplace?

Workplace diversity is understanding, accepting, and valuing differences between people including those:

  • of different races, ethnicities, genders, ages, religions, disabilities, and sexual orientations
  • with differences in education, personalities, skill sets, experiences, and knowledge bases

What is inclusion?

Inclusion in the workplace is a collaborative, supportive, and respectful environment that increases the participation and contribution of all employees.

What is diversity and inclusion?

Diversity and inclusion is a company’s mission, strategies, and practices to support a diverse workplace and leverage the effects of diversity to achieve a competitive business advantage.

Some of the key diversity and inclusion strategies of Bersin by Deloitte’s diversity and Inclusion framework and other research include the following:

  • Creating a focus and strategy at the CEO/COO/CHRO level
  • Creating behavioural standards and holding leaders accountable for results
  • Training people at all levels on topics like unconscious bias
  • Accepting and honouring multiple religious and cultural practices
  • Strengthening anti-discriminatory policies
  • Diversity and inclusion success metrics

In summary, if you’re able to implement at least a few of the strategies outlined below, you’ll be giving yourself one of today’s biggest competitive advantages.

  • Make diversity and inclusion part of your company’s mission, strategies, and practices.
  • Recruitment of diverse employees should be a priority.
  • Enable decision-making by diverse teams.
  • Invest in your diversity and inclusion programs.

Read the full article here: Diversity And Inclusion: A Complete Guide For HR Professionals | Ideal


WRS can save you time and money by supporting internal resources, providing you with the best pre-qualified candidates when you need them. We are a workforce solutions company with offices in Europe, the Middle East, APAC and the Americas, supporting the needs of businesses around the world. We employ specialist sector consultants, who can help you to identify the expatriate and local personnel you need to keep your business moving forward.​