How To Get A Work Visa In The Netherlands

Considering hiring a worker for a project in the Netherlands? Unless they’re a citizen of an EEA country or Switzerland, you’ll need to apply for a work permit on their behalf.

In this blog, we share what this process requires – plus why you should consider the Netherlands as an optimal location for both projects and candidates.

Why choose the Netherlands?

The Netherlands appeals to employers and candidates for a number of reasons:

  • Minimum wage is €1934.40 per month
  • There’s no legal requirement for the 13th month payment
  • 40-hour working week
  • 20 days’ holiday
  • Sick pay is paid at 70% for a full year by the employer

Its taxation system is also attractive:

  • Income tax system: Income tax is progressive, with those earning higher income charged at a higher rate.
  • Inheritance and gift tax: This applies if the gift of inheritance is received from a current or former Netherlands resident. With the latter, they need to either be a Dutch national who left within the last decade, or a non-national whose departure was less than a year ago.
  • Property tax: Property owners pay an annual real estate tax – the rate depends on the value of the property, which is determined by the municipality.
  • 30% ruling: Also called the 30% facility, this is awarded when specific conditions are met, and is a tax-free allowance equivalent to 30% of gross salary for highly skilled migrants moving to the Netherlands for a particular role. From 1st January 2024, the 30% ruling has been reduced to the 30/20/10% rule, where the worker will benefit from the 30% facility for the first 20 months, then 20% for the next 20 months, and then 10% for the following 20 months.

Which visa should you choose?

The two main types of work permit are Tewerkstellingsvergunning (TWV) and Gecombineerde vergunning voor verblijf en arbeid (GVVA). Although, there are also others that may be relevant depending on the specific worker and project.


TWV is a standard work permit, while GVVA is combined with a residence permit. To apply for one, particular criteria must be met, including the employer demonstrating that they can’t find a candidate based in the EU for the role.

Schengen Visa

This is for those working in the Netherlands on a short term basis. If the contractor is required to be there for more than three months, applying for a residence permit would be necessary.

European Union Blue Card

This type of work permit is for individuals who have relevant highly skilled qualifications. It allows them to live and work in any EU country for up to four years if they satisfy specific criteria.

What documents are required?

The process for a work permit involves the worker taking and passing a mandatory tuberculosis test. There’s also specific documentation required to prove that the information in the application is true and up to date. This includes:

  • A copy of the contractor’s passport or travel document
  • Employment contract, the appointment decision, engagement letter or the hosting agreement
  • Antecedents certificate (for proving the worker doesn’t have any criminal convictions)

Use WRS for simplifying the Netherlands work visa

WRS have supported various employers through the visa application process. We know the challenges that can come with it – and how to solve them.

We’re fully registered to provide tax services and managed payroll in the Netherlands. What’s more, our payroll software and online timesheet portal makes getting workers paid, on time, and in the right currency, seamless.

Looking for help with global mobilisation? We’d be happy to help – contact us today.

Disclaimer: Worldwide Recruitment Solutions does not provide visa, immigration or taxation advice. This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended and should not be relied upon for visa, immigration or taxation advice. You should consult with a qualified immigration professional or the official government website of the country you’re applying to for the most up-to-date and accurate information.