Protecting The Health Of Your Overseas Workers | WRS

Protecting The Health Of Your Overseas Workers

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​There are many challenges associated with hiring overseas workers, and we’ve discussed some of them in previous blogs. But one of the most important aspects of this responsibility is protecting your workers’ health.

​As a growing number of companies take on overseas contractors to bridge the talent gap and fulfil project demands, employers have a duty of care to their workers to ensure that the risk to their health is minimal.

​And when it comes to various divisions across the energy sector, there are plenty of rules and regulations to wrap your head around.

​WRS works in tandem with contractors and organisations, offering comprehensive global mobility services, so we’re best placed to share our advice.

​Read on to learn what you should be doing to protect your overseas workers.

Abide by international laws

​First and foremost, there’s quite a bit of legislation to navigate, and this will vary from country to country.

​You may even have to consider more than one set of laws depending on the local jurisdiction where the work is taking place.

​Do your research into the host country’s requirements and familiarise yourself with what’s expected of you legally.

​This can be a lengthy process, but it isn’t somewhere you want to fall short.

​Consider reaching out to an experienced recruiter like WRS, who’s used to dealing with this legislation day in, day out.

Conduct risk assessments

​Prevention is often better than cure. So carrying out a risk assessment of your project’s site is a must.

​It’s likely you’ll be legally required to do this anyway, but even if you aren’t, it’s a great way to minimise the risk to your workers.

​Don’t forget, some projects in the energy sector can be physically demanding and require great consideration of people’s safety. Make sure you’re aware of any hazards and critical control points that might put your team or project in jeopardy.

​By conducting a risk assessment, you’ll also be able to pinpoint if your equipment is up to scratch, doubling down on ensuring the health of your overseas workers is protected.

Screen your contractors

​Before placing overseas workers on a project, employers should have a process to ensure they possess the skills and knowledge to do the job safely and accurately.

​Failure to do this may result in the project not being completed properly, and could be detrimental to your contractors’ health.

Stay up to date with your workers’ health history

​Implementing safety measures that will protect your workers is crucial, this includes making sure you’re aware of each individual’s specific medical needs.

​For example, you might have a contractor who has an underlying health condition and requires reasonable adjustments to be made for them to carry out their job safely.

​To keep on top of this, ask all workers to complete a medical history form at the start of their contract (they may need to update it every so often, depending on the duration of the project). Be sure to hold a digital record of this document, so different members of your team can access it in case of an emergency.

​This will allow you to plan and mitigate risks that some workers might be more vulnerable to, and you’ll be better equipped if an incident does occur.

Connect with WRS

Protecting your overseas workforce may seem like a minefield and can take up a lot of your time and resources.

​At WRS, we help organisations navigate international legalities and implement best practices, so you can feel confident your contractors’ health is looked after, wherever they’re working.

For more information on our end-to-end contractor care solutions, contact our team today.