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Is Your Recruitment Process Giving Candidates What They Want?

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Hiring new starters in any industry is a challenge, but the energy sector is continuing to face hurdles as businesses grapple with the ongoing talent shortage. 

The volatility of the hiring market doesn’t seem to be changing, and candidates still have the upper hand. 

Unsurprisingly, getting the recruitment process right is more vital for energy firms than ever before. But where could you be missing the mark? 

We’re no strangers to recruitment. So we’re breaking down each stage of the hiring process, and taking a closer look at how you can give your candidates what they’re looking for. 

Job search and initial application

A candidate's first impression of you is usually your job advertisement. But getting that in front of the right people is half the battle. Be sure to target your audience through various job-posting channels to position your ads in front of a diverse talent pool. 

Once your job advertisements are right where you want them, the initial application process should be streamlined and efficient, so candidates aren’t put off from applying. 

Here’s a number of good practices to bear in mind when creating your job descriptions: 

  • Create a clear job title

  • Write an honest “about us” blurb

  • Make the role responsibilities clear

  • Clearly highlight meaningful rewards and benefits

  • Keep it succinct 

  • Be mindful of errors 

  • Display transparent salaries 

Don’t make them jump through too many hoops all at once. 

For example, on LinkedIn, there’s an EasyApply feature where users can apply for a job by sending their already uploaded CV, meaning they can apply right from their smartphone! 

Now, let’s talk salaries. 

More and more people want an idea of the salary before they apply for a role. In fact, data shows that 75% of candidates are more likely to apply if the job advert includes the salary range.

Communication and feedback

Drop offs during the interview process aren’t unusual, but they’re far from ideal when you’re looking to secure the cream of the crop. 

Applicants like to know what’s going on, so dispel their worries and anxieties and keep them engaged in the process by staying in regular contact. 

For example, if they’ve completed an exercise that’s going to be reviewed before the next interview stage, tell them that.

This way, the candidate knows it’s normal to wait a few days before hearing back from you.

Speaking of communication – feedback can go a long way. Whatever stage the candidate is at, be sure to provide them with constructive insights on what they did well, or what you’d like to see from them.

Interviews and decision time

It’s no secret that candidates can find interviews a daunting experience, so hiring managers should try to make these stages as hassle free as possible. 

People’s time is precious. Perhaps they currently work strange shift patterns, or they could even be based in another country. 

As a result, it’s worth being flexible with your interview options, like offering video interviews if possible.

And make sure you’re looking after the candidate by coming across as approachable, and open to answering any questions they may have. The candidate’s perception of the interviewer can affect their view of the organisation, meaning a poor interview experience could lead to an overall negative impression. 

Just as you’re trying to figure out if the candidate is the right fit, they’re also analysing every interaction. 

In some instances, a second or third interview is necessary. Whatever the next stage, don’t leave it too long to let candidates know what’s happening – make the expectations clear at every stage. 

Prolonged decision making can lead to candidates becoming frustrated and they may lose interest and enthusiasm for the role. 

So, once you’ve made initial contact, communicate the hiring process timeline to them so they know what to expect, while keeping them excited and positive about the opportunity to work with you.  

Upfront values and sharing company culture

For many applicants, the location or take-home pay are key factors in their decision to apply for, and accept, a role.

And for some, it’s the whole package.

You need to project the right image of your organisation, especially on social media. If you treat your employees to lunches or trips away to reward their hard work, shout about it. 

And if you have a particularly impressive environmental or sustainability policy, shout even louder.

It’s important to be upfront about your company values. By showcasing them on your website or LinkedIn, candidates can get a better sense of their potential new employer, and determine if they’re the right cultural fit – and vice versa.

Bring the experts on board

Getting your hiring process right matters – and we understand that. We also know how much of a strain it can have on a firm’s resources and finances, which is why we offer consultancy services to help you improve your recruitment process. 

At WRS, we support clients and candidates throughout each stage to ensure everyone’s needs are met. 

Need help with your recruitment? Get in touch with our team today.